Coconut Macaroons!

I've been a very happy chef these past few days!
 I went to cooking class on saturday, and yesterday, a friend at school messaged me asking me to make a batch of coconut macaroons and also some hummus for her mom's birthday!
 Of course I said yes, I absolutely love cooking and baking for people. I had tons of fun making the food, and i even called my grandmother all the way in Lebanon to ask her for some ways to garnish the hummus.
Then I packaged it all really nice and festive, and gave it to her today!

She really liked them and I hope that her mother does too! And apparently she told her friends about my culinary obsession, and I got 2 more customers just today! I'm, extremely excited :)

Until next time! and Sarah if you're reading this, thanks a bunch :))))


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